World Architecture Festival (WAF) Masterplanning Award
Urban Strategies has been retained by Anishnawbe Health Toronto to provide strategic design input and planning approvals services for a proposed Aboriginal Community Hub in the West Donlands in Toronto, Ontario. Located at the intersection of Cherry Street and Front Street East, the Aboriginal Community Hub will serve as a gateway site into the West Donlands, celebrating indigenous culture and providing a dynamic range of uses to serve the needs of Toronto’s First Nations community as well as the broader city. Designs for the Hub emerged from an extensive engagement process with Toronto’s indigenous peoples including service providers, residents, and aboriginal businesses. Initial plans evolved from the provision of an aboriginal community health centre to a larger hub concept that incorporated the entirety of a city block. From performing arts spaces, to educational facilities, to retail opportunities, and a significant landscaped public realm component, the Aboriginal Hub will be a meeting place for First Nations and other peoples to share their cultures.

Key Team Members

Melanie Hare

Leigh McGrath
Project Details
Anishnawbe Health
Consultant Team
Quadrangle Architects
Land Use/Scale
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