Manchester Airport’s success as the UK’s third largest aviation hub and continuing growth in global business and tourist air travel are propelling the airport into a new and exciting phase of development. While preparing to double its passenger numbers to 50 million in the next 25 years, Manchester Airport Group is setting the stage for the emergence of Airport City. Offering a comprehensive mix of office, hotel, advanced manufacturing, logistics and warehouse uses, Airport City will be complementary to the core aviation activities of the airport. Urban Strategies was retained by Manchester Airport Group in 2010 to prepare a vision and conceptual masterplan for Manchester Airport City. Building on the airport’s anticipated growth in capacity and network of direct routes, and improved ground transportation, our plan offers a real estate platform of readily available sites which are distinct from other sites in the Greater Manchester area, developed with quality facilities thoughtfully located to promote the sense of place necessary to attract today’s top global businesses to one of England’s premier business destination.

Key Team Members

Joe Berridge

Geoff Whittaker