Urban Strategies was retained by the City of Pickering to undertake what was first referred to as the Downtown Pickering Intensification Study in January 2011. Over the course of a two year study period, the project team engaged stakeholders and the general public to develop a framework for intensification, investment and growth management in Downtown Pickering to 2031 and over the longer term.

The final document, Pickering: A Vision & Redevelopment Framework consists of computer modelling and illustrative imagery, policies and guidelines regarding land use, mobility, public realm, and built form, as well as recommendations on phasing and priorities for capital projects. The framework provides the basis for an Official Plan Amendment, new design guidelines, and new Zoning By-Law, to be implemented later in 2013. The study responds to and conforms with a number of recent policy directions, initiatives and development interest in the downtown including the designation of Downtown Pickering as an Urban Growth Centre in the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, the designation as an Anchor Hub in Metrolinx’s Big Move, and policy directions in the Region of Durham’s ROPA 128.

Key Team Members

Melanie Hare

Mihaly Szabo

Craig Lametti