Ontario Transit Supportive Guidelines
2010 - 2012
Winner: 2012 Canadian Institute of Planners Award of Excellence in Planning Publications
Winner: 2012 Ontario Provincial Planners Institute Award of Excellence Communications/Public Education
Cities are complicated. We lead complex projects in cities all over the world. Clients benefit from fresh eyes and understanding of global best practices, with no preconceived approach or end solutions envisioned. We try and make the complicated simple.

Ningbo Sanjiang Kou Commercial District Revitalization Plan
2018 - 2019

Charleston Downtown Plan
1998 - 1999

Surrey Centre Block Master Plan
2018 - 2019

Manchester Millennium and Exchange Square

Choice Properties REIT
2016 - Present

Aberdeen Master Plan
2014 - 2015

St Albert Downtown Area Redevelopment Plan

Belfast City Centre Regeneration Strategy and Investment Plan

A Citizen’s Guide to Density
2010 - 2011

City of Hamilton
1998 - 2000, 2002 - 2005

Downtown Detroit
1996 - 1999

St. Louis Gateway Mall Park Plan

PATH Master Plan Study
2010 - 2012

Downtown Sudbury Master Plan
2010 - Present

Downtown Pickering Intensification Study
2011 - Present

Orillia Downtown & Waterfront Revitalization Plan

Toronto Tall Buildings
2007 - 2008

City of Ottawa