Projects > McKernan / Belgravia and Mill Woods Station Area Plan

McKernan / Belgravia and Mill Woods Station Area Plan

Edmonton, Alberta 2011 - 2013

Rendering of the Belgravia and Mill Woods Station Area Plan.

Urban Strategies was part of a multidisciplinary consulting team undertaking the preparation of Transit Oriented Development Plan for the established community of McKernan/Belgravia neighbourhood in Edmonton.

Situated between the University of Alberta South and Main Campus Mckernan/Belgravia is a desirable, family-oriented neighbourhood, approximately 10 minutes by LRT from Edmonton’s City Centre. In consultation with the Community, the Station Area plan directs change and intensification to the station area as well as major roadways along the periphery of the community, leaving the integrity of the low density interior fabric largely intact.

The plan envisions new commercial and mixed-use areas in the immediate vicinity of the station area, and intensification of major roadways will reorient development to front primary roadways, re-imagining the community. New and expanded linear parks and open spaces will enhance community transformation and better support active transportation and increased transit use.


Project Details

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