Ontario Provincial Planners Institute, Award for Planning Excellence
Campus Plan Update (2015 – 2016)
Since 2001, Urban Strategies has provided urban design and planning services for Brock University, including leading the 2003 Campus Plan, the Facilities Needs and Priorities Study, an athletic precinct plan, a study for the Canada Games Athletics Complex and a feasibility study to move the School of Fine and Performing Arts to downtown St. Catharines.
Building on the momentum of the 2003 Campus Plan, Urban Strategies recently completed the 2016 Campus Plan, which sets the stage for the next phase of campus change and provides a foundation to further strengthen the campus as an inspiring place that supports academic excellence.
Responding to emerging needs and opportunities, the Campus Plan outlines a vision to deliver much needed campus infrastructure, renew the campus setting and facilities, integrate with the surrounding cities and support a range of partnership opportunities. The Plan translates these directions into a comprehensive framework for the evolution and growth of the campus, outlining a pattern of land use and development, open spaces, mobility and infrastructure that will guide long-term campus growth in tandem with the evolution of the surrounding cities. A series of University Projects support the realization of the Campus Plan, and detailed implementation directions were captured in Precinct Plans. A wide range of campus and community stakeholders engaged in a dialogue about the future of the University through a comprehensive program of interviews, workshops and open houses.
Consultant Team: MMM Group

Brock/St. Catharines Project (2008)
Urban Strategies was retained as part of a team, lead by Levitt Goodman Architects, to complete a program, site and feasibility study for a cultural and academic development in downtown St. Catharines. This new facility will accommodate both Brock University’s performing arts program and a range of performing arts groups within St. Catharines. A building program including performance, rehearsal, teaching, studio and administrate spaces was developed that responds to the needs of both these client groups.
Urban Strategies role was to identify an appropriate site within downtown St.Catharines. Our process included the identification of a range of potential sites and the creation of site selection criteria with which to evaluate these sites and ultimately guide development of the project. Key site selection objectives included; accommodating the program and promoting revitalization of the downtown; the preservation of the natural and cultural heritage of downtown; the identification of a site with the appropriate access, profile and identity for such a facility, the promotion of synergies with other existing and proposed development; and the identification of related public realm initiatives to be completed as part of the development of this project. Our work also included a thorough review of both government and university policy. Our final recommendations identified the historic Haircloth Building as an ideal site for this facility.
Client: Brock University, City of St. Catharines
Consultant Team: Levitt Goodman Architects, Martin Vinik Arts Consultant

Brock University Campus Plan (2001 – 2003)
Enjoying a beautiful setting on the Niagara Escarpment, the campus of Brock University is distinguished by natural and formal landscapes framed by interconnected buildings. The campus plan prepared by Urban Strategies provides a vision for and guide to the University’s physical development over the next 25 years. Containing general and precinct-specific policies, it is also a day-to-day management tool intended to help transform Brock from a primarily undergraduate institution into a comprehensive university offering a full complement of graduate programmes. The plan sets out a new campus structure defined by key principles and primary initiatives that build upon Brock’s unique identity and culture. An aggressive transportation demand management program will reduce the amount of parking required and reduce pressure to develop natural areas. With its focus on sustainability, naturalization and landscape restoration, the plan is being used as a teaching model for sustainable development within the University’s curriculum. An emphasis on design excellence and quality of place allows the document to also be used as a promotional tool for attracting students, staff and faculty.
Client: Brock University
Consultant Team: Marshall Macklin Monaghan
Award: OPPI Award for Planning Excellence, 2003

Key Team Members

Cyndi Rottenberg-Walker

Warren Price

Benjamin Hoff

Tim Smith

Geoff Whittaker

Yiwen Zhu

Lauren Haein An
Project Details
Brock University
City of St. Catharines
Land Use/Scale
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