Projects > Davenport Diamond Rail Overpass

Davenport Diamond Rail Overpass

Toronto, Ontario 2014 - 2016

Davenport Diamond Rail Overpass aerial rendering

The Davenport Diamond is one of the last high-traffic rail-to-rail crossings in the City of Toronto. It accommodates both east-west freight rail traffic along the busy CP rail corridor, as well as north-south GO Train passenger service along the Barrie GO corridor. The Davenport Community Rail Overpass is being planned to support more frequent and reliable GO Train service along the Barrie GO corridor by eliminating the Davenport Diamond and separating passenger rail service from crossing freight traffic along the CP rail line.

Urban Strategies contributed to the Environmental Assessment for the Davenport Diamond Community Rail Overpass, conducting a background review of the study area and identifying strategies to mitigate the impacts of the proposed structure on the adjacent community and maximize opportunities for place-making and community benefit.

As the planning and urban design lead for the EA process, Urban Strategies was responsible for undertaking a planning review and context assessment of the study area. Our work included the identification of the key systems and processes influencing the study area as well as a range of opportunities to better integrate the structure within the community. A key component of our work related to community and stakeholder consultation. Urban Strategies assisted in the development of materials for engaging the community around overpass alternatives and facilitated a workshop with City staff to work through city concerns and understand the implications of proposed enhancements to the structure from the City’s perspective.

Following completion of the study process Urban Strategies worked with a team of designers and engineers to refine the design of the overpass in response to feedback from members of the City and Community. The outcome was presented at the City’s Design Review Panel, where it received strong praise from the various panelists.

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